My name is
Milo Sing
I'm an
Illustrator, Painter, and aspiring Tattoo Artist
That specializes in
Dark Fantasy, Horror, Gore and Adult Content!
Check out some of my work!

Every Last Bite
This was project I was assigned for my Fall 2024 Illustration class. The prompt was "Wordless Stories," where I chose to illustrate a love story through metaphors of cannibalism. I had imagined a story of someone falling so deeply in love with another, where she believes that if she were to consume him, they would never be separated, and their love would therefore be eternal.
"The subtext is transparent: when looked at objectively, humans are really no more than an amalgam of organs and body parts."
-Marcel DanesiThis quote came from a textbook within my Pop Culture class. I felt it was a line that really spoke to me as an artist, and I was therefore so moved, I absolutely had to create something about it. I was very inspired by the art style of Mark Ryden, as well as the artwork of the game Alice: Madness Returns.

Cable Management
Assigned in my 2023 Fall Visual Development class, I was instructed to illustrate two characters within a scene interacting, without color. I took this as an opportunity to illustrate characters within my personal story, as well as show my passion of creating pieces that are dark and gory, while still trying to make it feel beautiful and whimsical.
Full Portfolio

Who is this guy?
Born in the Pacific Northwest, I’m an artist who loves to put whimsy into the creative process.I love to express myself through my artwork, and help others express themselves! I'm always exploring a variety of mediums, as I like to convince myself that I have the ability to create anything, using anything, with enough practice and experimenting.I have a love for the dark, spooky, spiritual and occult, as I'm always looking for an excuse to draw gore and meaty textures.I'm incredibly passionate about the beauty and power of the human body. I love painting queer representations, experiences, and expressions of sex, and i'm never afraid to illustrate nudity or sexual scenes!
Programs I'm familiar with